Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You must also run in such a way that you also win. (I Corinthians 9:24)
I attended an ice skating competition. I was amazed at the athletic ability of the skaters. They spun on the ice. They did amazing jumps. The men lifted their partners above their heads as they skated .
I sat in the stands eating popcorn and watched in awe. Watching was easy, it required very little effort on my part. I can only imagine the strict training, the daily discipline, and the perseverance it took to become the accomplished athletes I watched.
The same can be said for faith. What kind of effort am I putting into my spiritual life? Am I merely an onlookers giving minimal effort, watching or reading about persons of spiritual get-up-and-go? I do not want to be only a fan of Christ, I want to find ways to practice my faith. I want to gain strength and wisdom, but also the peace and assurance of God’s love. That is the prize Christ offers us today. Today is the day to evaluate my spiritual get-up-and-go.